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3rd Party CAs

3rd Party CAs allow external private key infrastructures (PKIs) to be imported into Ziti and used for client enrollment and authentication. Ziti does not allow external private keys from PKIs to be imported for 3rd party CAs. Creation and distribution of client certificates must be handled outside of Ziti.

3rd Party CAs represent x509 Certificate chains that have the CA:true constraint. It is worth noting that adding a x509 certificate as a 3rd Party CA will treat it as a trust anchor even if it is an intermediate CA. 3rd Part CAs validate partial chains back to a registered 3rd Party CA. If full chain validation is required, ensure that the root CA is added as a 3rd Party CA and ensure authenticating clients provide their client certificate in index zero and any required intermediate certificates afterwards.


3rd Party CAs can be used in the following manners:

  • allows clients to enroll and authenticate automatically for at-scale network boarding - Auto CA Enrollment
  • allows clients to enroll pre-created identities - OTT CA Enrollment
  • allows clients to map to pre-created identities using externalId and X509 Claims


Creating a 3rd Party CA has various option that will determine how the 3rd Party CA will be used and how client certificates will be validated. The following fields configure client authentication:

  • isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled - allows client certificates of the CA to automatically enroll when encountered
  • isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled - allows client certificates of the CA to enroll if an identity with an ottca enrollment was created
  • isAuthEnabled - allows client certificates of the CA to attempt to enroll
  • externalIdClaim - configuration used to pull values out of the x509 client certificate used to match identity externalId, see External Id & x509 Claims

For Auto CA Enrollment an identity is created on first authentication. The following fields allow configuration of newly created identities:

  • identityRoles - the identity roles to give to automatically enrolling identities
  • identityNameFormat - the identity name format used to name automatically enrolling identities

On initial creation of a 3rd Party CA it will be in an unverified stated and must undergo verification. The following fields relate to verification:

  • isVerified - read only field of whether this CA has been verified
  • verificationToken - read only displaying the verification token required to verify the CA

All other fields are for informational purposes:

  • name - the name of the given CA
  • fingerprint - read only field of the sha1 fingerprint of the provided x509 certificate
  • certPem - PEM encoded version of the CA


In order for a 3rd Party CA to be used authentication and enrollment it must first be verified. While in an unverified state isVerfieid will be false and verificationToken will contain a random security token. In order to verify the 3rd Party CA a certificate with the verificationToken set as the common name must be signed by the certificate provided for the 3rd Party CA.

Ziti CLI

The Ziti CLI can assist with creating a verification certificate in two ways. It can create the verification certificate and submit it or submit an already created certificate.

Create Verification Certificate & Submit

Access to the CA's certificate and private key is required.

ziti edge verify ca <name> --cacert <signingCaCert> --cakey <signingCaKey> [--password <caKeyPassword>]

Submit Verification Certificate

Access to a certificate with the verifiationToken set as the common name and signed by the 3rd Party CA is required

ziti edge verify ca <name> --cert <pemCertFile>

Edge Management API

The Edge Management API accepts and id in the URL path and x509 certificate PEM as the body:

POST /edge/management/v1/cas/<id>/verify


External ID & X509 Claims

The base set of capabilities of x509 certificates do not allow the inclusion of custom private claims. Ziti internally uses x509-claims to allow claims data to be parsed from SANs and other fields. An example of this in other projects is SPIFFE. SPIFFE defines SPIFFE IDs which are stored in SVIDs.

3rd Party CAs support defining a set of x509 claims configuration that allows a claim to be matched to an identity externalId. The configuration is contained in an object in the field externalIdClaims. When not defined, x509 client certificate authentication attempts to find an identity that is tied to an authenticator by matching client certificates. Using x509 claims, the client is matched by the identity externalId value.

The fields under externalIdClaims is as follows:

  • location - defines which value(s) in an x509 certificate will be processed: COMMON_NAME, SAN_URI, SAN_EMAIL
  • matcher - defines how values from location will be filtered: ALL, PREFIX, SUFFIX, SCHEME
  • matcherCriteria - defines the PREFIX, SUFFIX, or SCHEME to look for based on matcher
  • parser - defines how values from location filtered by matcher will be parsed: NONE, SPLIT
  • parserCriteria - defines the criteria to provide to parser
  • index - should multiple values still be available after location, matcher, and parser processing the integer value here will be used from the set

CA Create/Update REST API

"name": "myCA",
"externalIdClaims": {
"location": "SAN_URI",
"matcher": "SCHEME",
"parser": "NONE",
"parserCriteria": "",
"index": 0

Ziti CLI

ziti edge create ca myCa ca.pem -l SAN_URI -m SCHEME -x spiffe -p "NONE"
ziti edge update ca myCa -l SAN_URI -m SCHEME -x spiffe -p "NONE"

Location, Matcher, Parser

x509 claims are located, matched, and parsed. Location defines where the value(s) are sourced from, matching filters, and parsing allows for a single value to yield multiple claims.


Location configuration sources value(s) from the x509 certificate

  • COMMON_NAME - the common name of the certificate
  • SAN_URI - SAN URI fields
  • SAN_EMAIL - SAN email fields

Matcher & Matcher Criteria

Matcher and matcher criteria work together to filter fields. The matcher uses matcherCritera to perform basic filtering.

Matcher values:

  • ALL - returns all values (i.e. no filtering)
  • PREFIX - matches by the string prefix defined by matcherCriteria
  • SUFFIX - matched by the string suffix defined by matcherCriteria
  • SCHEME - a matcher that specializes in matching the protocol defined in matcherCriteria of a URI (used with SAN_URI only)

Parser & Parser Criteria

Parser and parser criteria work together to turn individual values from location and matching into multiple values. Parsers allow a single value to contain more than one claim.

Parser values:

  • NONE - perform no parsing
  • SPLIT - perform string splitting based on the string separator defined by parserCriteria